

"Dare to try, though small and weak, it is full of courage, as long as there is plan and patience, small heat may generate bigger heat and light." In 16th century, there was an British Duke who traveled to South America and introduced this species into England to delicate to his lover - Elisabeth I. From that time on, such plant is called "Apple of love" by European.



Open up the cap and water drainage outlet at can bottom, add water into the pot until the excessive water flows out from bottom.

The ideal temperature for budding is 20 - 30°C at about 5-7 days.

Water once a day or every two days. It requires sufficient sunlight. Not suitable for indoor cultivation.

To transplant after the bud bursts 5 - 6 leaves. Keep one healthy baby bud inside the pot to cultivate, take off the bud center after the plant survives so as to help offset.